Redis Operator
Examine the code at schoolofdevops/redis-operator: Kubernetes Operator to Setup Redis Cluster
Clone the repo
git clone
cd redis-operator
Apply the opertor code
kubectl apply -f redis-crd.yaml -f redis_operator-rbac.yaml -f redis_operator-deploy.yaml
kubectl get all
now create an instance of redis cluster
File : my-redis.yaml
kind: Redis
name: my-redis
namespace: default
slaveSize: 2 # Specifies the number of slave nodes
image: "redis:6.2.6" # Redis Docker image version
storageClassName: "standard" # Specify the Kubernetes storage class for PVCs
volumeSize: "200Mi" # Each Redis node will use a PVC of this size
backupEnabled: true # Enables the backup functionality
backupSchedule: "0 */6 * * *" # Backup schedule, every 6 hours
kubectl apply -f my-redis.yaml
examine the objects created
kubectl get all
kubectl delete -f redis-crd.yaml -f redis_operator-rbac.yaml -f redis_operator-deploy.yaml
Cleaning Up
Once done, to clean up,
kubectl delete -f my-redis.yaml