Kubernetes Quick Dive

In this lab you are going to deploy the instavote application stack as described here in a kubernetes environment using kubectl commands. Later, you would learn how to do the same by writing declarive yaml syntax.

Purpose of this lab is to quickly get your app up and running and demonstrate kubernetes key features such as scheduling, high availability, scalability, load balancing, service discovery etc.

Deploying app with kubernetes

Before launching the app, create a new namespace and switch to it

kubectl get ns
kubectl create namespace instavote
kubectl get ns
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=instavote
kubectl config get-contexts

Launch vote application with kubernetes in the newly created namespace.

kubectl create deployment vote --image=schoolofdevops/vote:v4

You could now validate that the instance of vote app is running by using the following commands,

kubectl get pods

kubectl get deploy

kubectl get all


Scale the vote app to run 4 instances.

kubectl scale deployment vote --replicas=4
kubectl get deployments,pods

High Availability

kubectl get pods

The above command will list pods. Try to delete a few pods and observe how it affects the availability of your application.

kubectl delete pods vote-xxxx vote-yyyy
kubectl get deploy,rs,pods

Load Balancing with Services

Publish the application (similar to using -P for port mapping)

kubectl create service nodeport vote --tcp=80:80 --node-port=30300

kubectl get service

Connect to the app, refresh the page to see it load balancing. Also try to vote and observe what happens.

Roll Out a New Version

kubectl scale deployment vote --replicas=12

kubectl set image deployment vote vote=schoolofdevops/vote:v5

watch the rolling update in action

kubectl rollout status deploy/vote

Exercise - Deploy Complete Instavote App

Deploy the services with the following spec to complete this application stack.

Service Name Image Service Type Service Port Node Port
redis redis:alpine ClusterIP 6379 N/A
worker schoolofdevops/worker:latest No Service Needed N/A N/A
db postgres:9.4 ClusterIP 5432 N/A
result schoolofdevops/vote-result NodePort 80 30400

If you see db deployment failing, fix it by adding the environment var as,

kubectl set env deployment db POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust

After deploying all services to validate,

  • Browse to vote and result services exposed outside to see the UI
  • When you submit a vote, it should be reflected on result
  • To submit multiple votes, use either a different browser, or use incognito window.

Cleaning up

Once you are done observing, you could delete it with the following commands,

kubectl delete deploy vote redis worker db result

kubectl delete service vote redis db result


When you deploy an application in kubernetes, you submit it to the api server/ cluster manager. Kubernetes automatically schedules it on a cluster, networks the pods, provides service discovery. In addition as you observed, your application is scalable, high available and is already running behind a load balancer.