Mini Project: Deploying Multi Tier Application Stack
In this project , you would write definitions for deploying the vote application stack with all components/tiers which include,
- vote
- redis
- worker
- db
- result
Project Description
- Apply the deployment and service code for the applications marked as ready
- Complete the code for deployments and services marked as TODO
- Apply the definitions that you have completed
- Validate the application workflow is operational by loading vote and result applications from the browser
Following table depicts the state of readiness of the above services.
App | Deployment | Service |
vote | ready | ready |
redis | ready | ready |
worker | TODO | n/a |
db | ready | ready |
result | TODO | TODO |
Apply existing code
cd k8s-code/projects/instavote/dev/
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=instavote
kubectl apply -f vote-rs.yaml -f vote-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f redis-deploy.yaml -f redis-svc.yaml
kubectl apply -f db-deploy.yaml -f db-svc.yaml
kubectl get all
Where you should see,
- replicaset and service for vote app created
- deployments and services for redis and db created
If you see the above objects, proceed with the next task.
Completing Code for worker and result apps
You would find the files available in the same directory as above i.e. k8s-code/projects/instavote/dev/ with either partial or blank code. Your job is to complete the deployment and service yaml specs and apply those. While writing the specs, you could refer to the following specification.
- worker
- image: schoolofdevops/worker:latest
- results
- image: schoolofdevops/vote-result
- application port: 80
- service type: NodePort
- nodePort : 30100
To Validate:
kubectl get all
The above command should show, * five deployments and four services created * services for vote and result app should have been exposed with NodePort
Find out the NodePort for vote and service apps and load those from your browser.
This is how the vote application should look like.
You could also load the Result page on the 30100
port of your Node IP/Address as,
Above is how the result app should look like.
Final validation is, if you submit the vote, you should see the results changing accordingly. You would see this behavior only if all deployments and services are created and configured properly.