Adding HA and Scalability with ReplicaSets

If you are not running a monitoring screen, start it in a new terminal with the following command.

watch kubectl get all --show-labels

PART I - Namespaces

Check current config

kubectl config view

You could also examine the current configs in file cat ~/.kube/config

Creating a Namespace and Switching to it

Namespaces offers separation of resources running on the same physical infrastructure into virtual clusters. It is typically useful in mid to large scale environments with multiple projects, teams and need separate scopes. It could also be useful to map to your workflow stages e.g. dev, stage, prod.

Before you create a namespace, delete all the pods in the default namespace that you may have created earlier and which you would not need.


kubectl delete pod vote db web

Lets create a namespace called instavote

kubectl get ns

kubectl create namespace instavote

kubectl get ns

And switch to it

kubectl config --help

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config current-context

kubectl config set-context --help

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=instavote

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config view

Exercise: Go back to the monitoring screen and observe what happens after switching the namespace.


kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kube-system

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=instavote

PART II - ReplicaSets

To understand how ReplicaSets works with the selectors lets launch a pod in the new namespace with existing spec.

cd k8s-code/pods
kubectl apply -f vote-pod.yaml

kubectl get pods

Adding ReplicaSet Configurations

Lets now write the spec for the ReplicaSet. This is going to mainly contain,

  • replicas : define the scalability configs here
  • selector : define configs which provide as a base for checking availibility
  • template (pod spec )
  • minReadySeconds : duration to wait after pod is ready till its declared as available (used by deployment)

From here on, we would switch to the project and environment specific path and work from there.

cd projects/instavote/dev

edit file: vote-rs.yaml

apiVersion: xxx
kind: xxx
      name: vote
        app: python
        role: vote
        version: v1
        - name: app
          image: schoolofdevops/vote:v1
              memory: "64Mi"
              cpu: "50m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "250m"

Above file already containts the spec that you had written for the pod. You would observe its already been added as part of spec.template for replicaset.

Lets now add the details specific to replicaset.

file: vote-rs.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
  name: vote
  replicas: 4
  minReadySeconds: 20
      role: vote
      - key: version
        operator: Exists
      name: vote
        app: python
        role: vote
        version: v1
        - name: app
          image: schoolofdevops/vote:v1
              memory: "64Mi"
              cpu: "50m"
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "250m"

The complete file will look similar to above. Lets now go ahead and apply it.

kubectl apply -f vote-rs.yaml --dry-run=client

kubectl apply -f vote-rs.yaml

kubectl get rs

kubectl describe rs vote

kubectl get pods

kubectl get pods --show-labels

High Availability

Try deleting pods created by the replicaset,

replace pod-xxxx and pod-yyyy with actuals

kubectl get pods

kubectl delete pods vote-xxxx vote-yyyy

Observe as the pods are automatically created again.

Lets now delete the pod created independent of replica set.

kubectl get pods
kubectl delete pods  vote

Observe what happens. * Does replica set take any action after deleting the pod created outside of its spec ? Why?


Scaling out and scaling in your application is as easy as running,

  kubectl scale rs vote --replicas=8
  kubectl get pods --show-labels

  kubectl scale rs vote --replicas=25
  kubectl get pods --show-labels

  kubectl scale rs vote --replicas=7
  kubectl get pods --show-labels

Observe what happens

  • Did the number of replicas increase to 8, then to 25 and reduced to 7 ?

Exercise: Deploying new version of the application

kubectl edit rs vote
  • Update the version of the image from schoolofdevops/vote:v1 to schoolofdevops/vote:v2
  • From template.metadata.labels update version=v1 to version=v2

Save the file. If you are using kubectl edit it would apply the changes immediately as you save, without needing to use kubectl apply command.

Observe what happens ?

  • Did application get updated.
  • Did updating replicaset launched new pods to deploy new version ?


With ReplicaSets your application is now high available as well as scalable. However ReplicaSet by itself does not have the intelligence to trigger a rollout if you update the version. For that, you are going to need a deployment which is something you would learn in an upcoming lesson.