Costs Monitoring with Kubecost

Visit Kubecost from AWS Marketplace.

Select Continue to Subscribe

It will take a few minutes to process your request

Once its configured, continue to Configure the software and Launch it on EKS Console.

  • Fulfillment Options : Amazon EKS Add-on
  • Kubecost - Amazon EKS Cost Monitoring - EKS Add On
  • Software Version - Keep Auto Selected

Once its configured, head over to EKS CLuster , go to Add-ons -> Get more add-ons.

Search for kubecost

Select the add-on, click on next and have it be installed.

After its installed, validate with

kubectl get all -n kubecost

set the service type to NodePort as

kubectl patch svc cost-analyzer -n kubecost --type='json' -p '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/type","value":"NodePort"}]'


kubectl get svc -n kubecost

[sample output]

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
cost-analyzer                     NodePort   <none>        9003:32367/TCP,9090:32751/TCP   93m

pick up the port mapped with 9090 e.g. 32751 in above case and use that to access kubecost UI.


From here on you should be explore kubecost insights.